In total Company delivered more than 80 000 units of electrical equipment around the world and have produced more than 50 million power semiconductor devices.
Aviation projects
FCA-90S, FCA-15
AR-400, FCA-63
FCA-63/AR-400, FCA-90S, FCA-120S
AR-400, FCA-90S
AR-400, FCA-90S, FCA-30
FCA-90/АВ-1-600х28,5 (mobile)
FCA-90-12M (mobile)
Transport projects
Equipping three Kopli substations VAJ 18, VAJ 17 and VAJ 2.
Inverter units for recuperating braking energy of freight and passenger trains into the network.
Inverter units I-PTP-M-2.0k-3.8k for transferring excess recuperation energy from the DC contact network to the AC supply network.
Joint project for the supply of inverter units for the Georgian Railway
Technical complex electrical equipment
Technical complex electrical equipment
ER2 Electric trains static converters supplement
ER2 Electric trains static converters supplement.
Rectifiers supplement for diesel-electric locomotives engines
Rectifiers supplement for diesel-electric locomotives engines
AC electric trains rectifiers supplement
UIN – 160 and UIN – 320
Traction converters test-benches
Energy projects
Development and delivery of a feed pump for a coal-fired power unit with a capacity of 210 MW.
Design and development of smooth start reversive pump-generators equipment with 15,75 kV voltage and 24 MW power.
Frequency converter for asynchronous motors with 6 kV voltage and 6 MW power.
Asynchronous squirrel-cage motors speed regulators with 6 kV voltage and 6 МW power.
Metallurgy projects
Power supply for open type DC EAF / 3 t / steel smelting
Open type DC EAF / 3 t / steel smelting
Open type DC EAF / 1 t / ferroalloy smelting
TPCh – 800 and TPCh – 320 converters
Open type DC EAF / 3 t / ferroalloy smelting
Open type DC EAF / 1.5 t / steel smelting
Mining projects
Design and production of 630 kWt asinchronous motors smooth start equipment along with 4000kWt unique power modification.
UPTF equipment for Zhezkazgan MPP.
Electrothermy projects
TET Estel with the support of EAS Enterprise Estonia took part in the project: New generation frequency inverter.
Supply of sources for induction heating with a capacity of 160 kW.
Installations for induction heating with a capacity of 210 kW and 90 kW.
15 bars heating lines equipment (160-320 kWt)
Inductive 800 kWt equipment for cross-wedge rolling line
Supply of generators for power supply of induction heating and metal melting devices of the TFC and TRPCh types.
2100 kWt induction equipment for bearings production line
800 kWt power supply for bars heating equipment
Pipes inductive heating equipment (1600 kWt power supplies)
800 kWt bars heating equipment
800 kWt gas to inductive generator exchange
Unique projects
Specific technical characteristics rectifier for Big Hadron Collider
Unique 25 MWt SMES-modulator for clistron control
Development and supply of frequency converters according to special Airbus requirements for the final stage of the Airbus A350 aircraft assembly line.
Complex supply of power units for DC arc furnaces.
Supply of power semiconductor devices